Centar za slobodne izbore i demokratiju (CeSID) je potpisao Memorandum o saradnji sa Fakultetom političkih nauka u Beogradu, u okviru projekta „Univerziteti bez korupcije u Albaniji, Severnoj Makedoniji i Srbiji“ koji CeSID sprovodi u saradnji sa Institut za strateški istražuvanja i edukacija – ISIE iz Severne Makedonije i Institute for Development, Research and Alternatives – IDRA iz Albanije.
Cilj potpisivanja Memoranduma o saradnji je postavljanje osnova za buduću saradnju na polju promocije borbe protiv korupcije, podrške uzbunjivačima, prijavi korupcije i jačanju kapaciteta za proces žalbi.
Projekat se realizuje u okviru SMART Balkans programa koji finansira Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova Kraljevine Norveške.
The Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CeSID) has signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade, within the project „Corruption Free Universities in Albania, North Macedonia and Serbia“, implemented in cooperation with Institut za strateški istražuvanja i edukacija – ISIE from North Macedonia and Institute for Development, Research and Alternatives – IDRA from Albania.
The goal of signing the Memorandum of Cooperation is to lay the foundations for future cooperation in the field of promoting the fight against corruption, supporting whistleblowers, reporting corruption and strengthening the capacity for the complaints process.
The project is implemented within the SMART Balkans program financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway.